Saturday, June 1, 2013

Impressive Ballet Dance Photographs

Impressive Ballet Dance Photographs

Impressive Ballet Dance Photographs

Ballet is a type of stage art, performance,

 the content of which is embodied in the 

musical and choreographic images.

 By history Ballet originated
 in the Italian Renaissance courts 

of the 15th century and after that it developed

 into a concert dance form in Russia and

 France. The main types of dance in the ballet 

is a classical dance and character dance. The

important role played pantomime, with 

which the actors convey a sense of 

the characters, their "talk" to each other, 

the essence of what is happening.

 In today's widely used by other 

ballet dance technique, as well as 

elements of gymnastics, 

acrobatics, martial arts, etc. Today,

 we come up with 30 absolutely 

impressive ballet dance photographs.

 Take a joyful look and spread happiness.

Ballerina in pink dress а against studio background

2. Natascha Mair, Wiener Staatsballett

2. Natascha Mair, Wiener Staatsballett.
3. dancer

3. dancer
4. Kristy

4. Kristy
5. The dancer
6. Impressive Ballet Dance by Two Girls
7. Man and Woman Ballet Dance
8. Entwined in Red

9. Sarah Biernat #9 Contemporary Dancer

9. Sarah Biernat #9 Contemporary Dancer
10. Wild Roses
11. Salut to Ballet
12. Desert flower
13. Lion in the Dark
14. the dancer

15. Emily
15. Emily
16. Ballet Dance

17. Viola
17. Viola

18. Paula
18. Paula
19. Ballerina Swordfight

20. Eszter Ledan, Vienna State Ballet
20. Eszter Ledan, Vienna State Ballet

21. Ballet
21. Ballet
22. Dance anywhere
23. Jump with grace
24. An Angel

25. Erika
25. Erika
26. Ballerina in the Park

27. ALYSSA MAKSYM - Dancer - Choreographer
27. ALYSSA MAKSYM - Dancer - Choreographer
28. Ballet Dance

29. Dancer
29. Dancer
30. A Joyous Finish

Bonus: 31. Lion in the Dark
31. Lion in the Dark
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1 comment:

  1. :>) (o) Photoshop image retouching is a advanced level job. model retouching service is obviously a good work for a graphic designer. It can change the scene of a picture. There are lots of tutorial on the internet for it. But this tutorial is really outstanding. Thanks for share.


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